RAM Installation: Guidelines and Troubleshooting
A computer can never run too fast or perform too well—that's just the law of the land. That being the case, it isn't surprising that I regularly get calls and e-mail messages from customers and friends complaining that their computers are performing poorly or running too slowly. The first recommendation for them would be doing a little maintenance. Perform “cold” reboot; delete unnecessary files and programs; see what applications are running in the background that they don't need; and run Disk Cleanup, Disk Defragmenter, and Registry Defragmenter. If problems persist, they should check the amount of random access memory (RAM), which is a frequent problem source for multiple computer-generated errors.
Yes, RAM is one of the most crucial elements installed in the computer. RAM temporarily holds data that applications need, and applications use RAM to perform tasks quickly. The more RAM a system has the less it has to access the hard drive to swap out data, the longer the hard drive will last, and the faster the system will perform.
If you do decide you need more RAM, you have to figure out how much you can add, what type you need, where to buy it, and how to install it.