Dharan's history can be traced back to 1584 A.D,to ten Kingdoms of Limbuwan which was also known as Pallo Kirat Pardesh (a collective of Ten Kirant Limbu Kingdoms). Dharan-Bijaypur was the capital city of the Morang kingdom of Limbuwan region. This was prior to conquest and annexation of the Kirat Kingdom by Gorkha King, King Prithivi Narayan Shah. Dharan was known as Bijaypur until the 1950s when the settlement grew on the southern portion of Bijaypur and took its own name of Dharan. History of Limbuwan shows that Dharan/Bijaypur was an important town. The indigenous people of Dharan are Limbu and Rai collectively known as Kiranti. Dharan started as a small trading settlement of Chaubis or Miklung Kingdom of Limbuwan (one of the ten Kingdoms of Limbuwan). Over the last couple of decades, the population of Dharan has increased and diversified to include people from various ethnicity like Gurungs, Newar, Brahmins, Chhetris etc. |